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Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Some of the chairs before conservation, in-situ at Weston Park, Shropshire.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A chair before conservation in-situ.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A chair before conservation, with the upholstery removed.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of a chair before conservation, showing delaminating gilding, gesso losses and discoloured bronze paint.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

An example of the condition of a front chair leg, before conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

An example of the condition of an armrest.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

The backrest to one of the chairs before conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

An example of the condition to the side and back of the chairs before conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Back view of one of the chairs before conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

An example of the condition of a back chair leg, before conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A close-up revealing that the chairs had been re-gilded 3 times on top of the original scheme. These later layers were delaminating and the over-gesso was excessive, obscuring carved detail.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

The discoloured bronze paint and crazed oil gilding were chemically stripped. The gilding was cleaned. The exposed, dirty substrate was degreased and then carefully abraded back to clean, bare wood. After consolidating the delaminating gesso layers where possible, the unstable gesso was removed.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Side view of a chair frame with the gesso consolidated and sanded back to a stable earlier scheme where necessary.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A front left chair leg with the gesso consolidated and sanded back to a stable earlier scheme.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Back view of a chair frame with the gesso consolidated and sanded back to a stable earlier scheme where necessary.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A back chair leg with the gesso consolidated and sanded back to a stable earlier scheme where necessary.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Front view of a chair re-gessoed.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Side view of a chair re-gessoed.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of the gesso repairs.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of the re-gessoing to the top of an armrest.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of the re-gessoing to the top of an armrest.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of the re-gessoing to the top of the backrest to a chair.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Side view of a chair frame following gesso repairs.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of the gesso repairs to a from chair leg.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Back view of a chair re-gessoed.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of the gesso repairs to the backrest.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gesso repairs to a chair back leg.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Yellow bole applied to the gesso repairs on a chair frame.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

The polished grey bole applied to one of the chair frames in preparation for selective re-gilding.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Selective re-gilding completed. The water gilding technique was employed. The decorative detail was burnished to the original scheme design.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Selective re-gilding completed to a chair frame. Burnishing was undertaken to the flats following the original scheme design.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Back view of a chair re-gilded. Burnishing was undertaken to areas following the original scheme design.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A chair after conservation treatment. The new gilding was abraded, toned and shaded to blend with any surviving gilding from the latest scheme.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of a front chair leg, following conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

After conservation detail.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Side view of a chair after conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail to the backrest of a chair, following conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail after conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Side view of a chair following conservation treatment.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A back chair leg after conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Back of a chair after conservation.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Detail of the backrest, from the back, following conservation treatment.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

After conservation treatment.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Side of a chair after conservation treatment.

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

Gillows chairs from Weston Park

A front chair leg after conservation treatment.

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